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Publication: COVID-19 and Immediate Predictors of Individual Resilience

TSSW faculty members Dr. Reggie Ferreira and Dr. Fred Buttell along with Dr. Clare Cannon from the University of California Davis have published "COVID-19: Immediate Predictors of Individual Resilience" in Sustainability.

According to the publication, "the guiding research question is to investigate how much of the variance in individual resilience can be explained by demographic variables and personal experiences related to the COVID-19 pandemic. More specifically, the purpose of this study is three-fold and aims to (1) investigate the role of perceived stress, current situation and demographic variables on overall resilience during the COVID-19 outbreak; (2) present findings from a study active during the COVID-19 pandemic; (3) add to the scant literature on disasters, infectious disease, and resilience."

Access the full study by clicking here.