Black & African American Resources

Discrimination, hatred, and violence against African Americans and other minoritized communities remain pervasive in all aspects of our society from our laws to our culture. Learning about the ways our systems oppress individuals can provide insight to act so that we can collectively dismantle these injustices and create opportunities that value diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Books, articles, and other written resources are available in digital and print forms to grow your knowledge.


Radio programs and podcasts provide ongoing learning opportunities to continue anti-racism work.


Talks, documentaries, and feature films can elevate your understanding by combining impactful visuals and voices.



We can only fully empower long-term and systemic change when we act on the knowledge we’ve gained. To be anti-racist requires action and the following are just a few of many ways to contribute to this ongoing work.

Have Difficult Conversations


  • Value the voices of African Americans and other minoritized communities.
  • Examine your own privilege and bias as well as those of others.
  • Confront racism in your community and workplace.



Take Political Action


  • Register to vote and vote in all elections – local to federal.
  • Learn about laws being made to write elected officials in defense or opposition.
  • Sign up to be an election worker

Give Time, Expertise & Money


  • Join organizations fighting systemic racism.
  • Donate time and expertise in service of the community.
  • Fund organizations and businesses led by African Americans and other minoritized communities.

Be Anti-Racist


  • Develop a personal action plan of all the ways that you can make the fight for racial justice part of your everyday life.