DRLA Annual Institutes

The Disaster Resilience Leadership Academy at the Tulane School of Social Work is in a unique position to host several institutes annually. Our themes and focus range for each institute. Please consult with the program for more information on our well attended institutes.

2024 Summer Institute

Through the theme of adaptation in New Orleans, the 2024 Summer Institute will introduce you to theoretical and practical concepts that shape our understanding of adaptation. The summer institute will be led by DRLA Fellows Corey Eide and Betsy Lopez. Both adjunct lecturers have dedicated their careers to understanding and supporting adaptation and resilience in local, state, and federal spaces.

The 2024 Course

The course will first take you on a community visit to explore the geographical and complex history that shaped our city. You will then have the opportunity to meet with community and government leaders dedicated to shaping adaptation practices in Louisiana. Through a case study, you will put your theoretical knowledge into practical stakeholder engagement practices. Finally, you will have the opportunity to practice grant writing and pitch skills in a supportive environment. At the culmination of the course, you will walk away with your own definition of adaptation that you can bring to your work.

Previous Courses

Previously, Summer Institute students gained in-depth insight into domestic disaster operations and US humanitarian assistance through coursework and networking in the hub of US disaster management, Washington, DC. The course has covered the following topics: current and past US Humanitarian Assistance; domestic policy; domestic disaster operations; international NGOS (Non-Governmental Organizations); domestic NGOs; and disaster risk reduction.

Students have had the opportunity to learn from a vast array of leading professionals in the field while immersing themselves in the day-to-day life of select organizations through group trips, such as the opportunity to learn from the Acting Director of the Office of Human Services Emergency Preparedness Response (OHSEPR) in the Administration for Children & Families (ACF). The class has also visited The American Red Cross Headquarters, FEMA DC offices, and the Department of Health and Human Services.