About the Program
What is the difference between a DSW and a PhD in Social Work?
The key difference between the DSW and PhD is in their orientation towards post-graduate employment.
Generally, PhD programs prepare students for careers in academia as researchers or research-based professors, often on the tenure track. The DSW primarily prepares students for continued employment in the social work field as administrative leaders or high-level practitioners, although the DSW will still qualify graduates for university-level teaching and may, in some cases, be considered equivalent to a PhD for hiring purposes.
For more information on the relationship between DSW and PhD Social Work degrees in university teaching, applicants may find this article from the Journal of Social Work helpful.
Additionally, the Tulane DSW takes three years to complete with continued employment. Tulane PhD programs generally take anywhere from five to seven years and require full-time student status.
Do I have to do a research-based dissertation?
No, the DSW program does not require a research-based dissertation as a component for graduation. Instead, students will be required to complete an advanced clinical project, which will be developed in collaboration with a faculty supervisor and may take many forms, most commonly an article for publication relating to the student's area of practice.
Is there a part-time DSW program?
No. Students take three courses per semester, which constitutes a full-time student.
The Online DSW Program and On-Campus DSW Program are taught on the same schedule. We require on-campus students to attend all classes in person. Courses are scheduled to fit the constraints of full-time employment, and the majority of coursework is to be completed by the student outside of class in consultation with other students and faculty mentors, which may include a significant online component.
The DSW program is available online and on campus at Tulane University's downtown New Orleans campus.
Weekend courses are 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the third weekend of each month, both Saturday and Sunday. A reserve weekend is held in the case that a session is unable to happen as planned. Absences must be substantial to be excused from the live classes.
Paying for your Education
What does it cost to attend the DSW Program?
Exact tuition rates will vary annually and will depend on the exact number of credits for which a student is registered. Students will typically take 27 credit hours each year for the first two years of school, and two credits in their final year.
Is there financial aid available?
All DSW students are eligible to apply for aid through Tulane's Office of Financial Aid. Aid packages will vary by student, so interested applicants are encouraged to contact the Office of Financial Aid directly.
The School of Social Work may offer limited supplementary support to a small number of candidates, but all students should make their own arrangements to cover the costs of attending the program.
Are there any scholarships available for DSW candidates?
Tulane School of Social Work offers scholarships to DSW students pursuing an on-campus education. Applicants may also be eligible for third-party scholarships.
Does the DSW Program offer fellowships or assistantships to defray the cost of tuition?
The DSW Program does not offer any full-tuition fellowships or assistantships for students.
Typically, doctoral fellowships are awarded to "residential" students, meaning those students who attend class full-time during the day and work on campus (typically as Research Assistants or Teaching Assistants) in exchange for their fellowships. Because the DSW is geared to accommodate working professionals, these kinds of fellowships are unavailable.
However, to accommodate students who are employed full-time in the profession, classes are scheduled to meet on weekends.
DSW students may be eligible for the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program or other tuition forgiveness through the National Health Services Corps.
For Current Students
How do I find out which courses to register for?
You should look at your degree audit or Course Schedule. You can confirm with DSW staff if you have further questions.
When will registration for the next semester begin?
Registration for the Spring and Summer normally starts in November before the start of the Spring semester. Fall registration normally starts in March or April before the start of the Fall semester.
I am going to be late on an assignment. What should I do?
Communicate with your professor, either by setting up a Zoom meeting or by sending an email. See what options they are willing to offer. Don’t wait until the last minute — be proactive and communicate as soon as you think you will have an issue.
I emailed my professor, and I have not received a response. How do I handle this?
Please be patient. If your professor does not reply in 2 business days (48 hours to start the following Monday if email is sent past noon on Friday), please send a follow-up inquiry.
Shop the Tulane Bookstore for textbooks as well as men's, women's and children's apparel, gifts, and more. This is also where you’ll order your commencement regalia when it is time for you to graduate.
Tulane University library offers access to academic journals, databases, and research software like SPSS or NVivo. Workshops on using these resources are often available, or you can schedule a consultation with our dedicated librarian, Kay P Maye.
I have accessibility needs. Who can I reach out to for help?
The Goldman Center for Student Accessibility is separate from the School of Social Work and has a process for students who wish to be considered for reasonable accommodations. Students can request accommodations at any time; however, incoming students should begin the process before beginning your degree program. The process can sometimes take several weeks, so begin it as soon as you are able. Tulane policy is that only “need-to-know” faculty and staff are notified of the processes for upholding the accommodations; they are not informed of the reason for the accommodations.
I have question about my financial aid. Who can assist me?
You can reach out to the Financial Aid office by using this link. To find out who your financial aid counselor is, please visit this page.
Does Tulane School of Social Work Offer any self-care resources?
Tulane School of Social Work is dedicated to enhancing the well-being and equitable treatment of diverse individuals and communities through transformative education, generation of knowledge, service and community engagement. Please use this link for resources.
What are the differences between a Portfolio Instructor and a Faculty Advisor/Mentor?
The Portfolio Instructor is responsible for helping you advance your thinking and writing on your APP. Until you formally identify an expert in the field you want to work with, they will serve as your informal advisor. However, this will largely be confined to class assignments and general feedback. When you get to the point of specialization — for example, Intimate Partner Violence — you may choose to find a Faculty Advisor/Mentor to help you move your projects to fruition. In the case of IPV, you may find a researcher (either at Tulane or elsewhere) who is actively publishing in that area and is interested in working with you to advance your projects by collaborating on pubs or grants. In that event, the Professional Mentoring Agreement Form will formalize roles, responsibilities, timelines, and products.
Who can be my Faculty Advisor/Mentor?
When you get to the point of specialization — for example, Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) — you may choose to find a Faculty Advisor/Mentor to help you move your projects to fruition. In the case of IPV, you may find a researcher (either at Tulane or elsewhere) who is actively publishing in that area and is interested in working with you to advance your projects by collaborating on publications or grants. In that event, this agreement will formalize roles, responsibilities, timelines, and products.
How do I choose a Faculty Advisor/Mentor?
Start by reviewing faculty bios and their research areas to identify those aligned with your interests. Reach out to them with a clear outline of your goals and ask for guidance. Networking events and academic conferences are also great places to connect with potential mentors. Mentors do not have to be Tulane faculty members.
What paperwork needs to be completed for the Faculty Advisor/Mentor?
A Professional Advisor/Mentor and a DSW Student Mentoring Agreement needs to be fully completed and uploaded to the DSW APP Submission under the assignment/professional mentoring agreement.
How are Faculty Advisor/Mentors compensated?
When the doctoral has had their final APP (both primary and secondary) accepted and approved by the program, the Faculty Advisor/Mentor will be paid by TSSW for their work. Each student can have only one formal FA/Mentor, and group projects where students work together but have different FAs/Mentors will result in the splitting of a single payment.