Tulane School of Social Work is here to help you with anything you need. Use the information below to reach out for specific information or assistance.
Assistant Dean of Enrollment Management
Amanda Rosales - arosales1@tulane.edu
Associate Director of Recruitment
Amy Trainor - atrainor@tulane.edu
Admissions Counselor
Chelsea Derricott - cderrico@tulane.edu
Admissions Counselor
Terrence Gragg II - tgragg3@tulane.edu
Director of Alumni Relations & Individual Giving
Laura Decuir - ldecuir@tulane.edu
Heartful Editor can provide editing assistance that includes:
- Coaching on writing and the mechanics of style
- Review of all documents for grammar, spelling, punctuation, consistency in formatting, and alignment with APA style and campus guidelines
- Suggestions of alternative words or phrases, guidance on sentence structure, and better organization of ideas.
- Overview of areas that need attention and improvement
Heartful Editor includes a team of doctorate-educated faculty and career professionals who are deeply committed to the success of the students, faculty, and academic and career professionals with whom we work.
The TSSW Empowering Change Task Force works to examine and address issues of racism, power, privilege, and oppression within the School and its curriculum. It includes faculty, staff, students, alumni, and community members.
Interim Director of MSW Programs
Tona Zwanziger, LCSW, MS - tzwanzig@tulane.edu
Educational Policy Committee
The Educational Policy Committee is a subset of faculty, and it oversees the Master of Social Work curriculum content, making recommendations to the larger faculty, and assessing content as part of required competencies from the Council on Social Work Education.
Field Education
Program Manager & Senior Field Education Coordinator
Joshua Fegley - jfegley1@tulane.edu
MSW Field Education Program Coordinator
Louis Fernandez - lfernandez1@tulane.edu
Focus Areas
Mental Health, Addiction & the Family
Parker Robinson - psternbe@tulane.edu
Disaster and Collective Trauma (DaCT)
Regardt “Reggie” Ferreira - rferrei@tulane.edu
Interim Director of MSW Program
Tona Zwanziger, LCSW, MS - tzwanzig@tulane.edu
Director of DSW Program
Fred Buttell, PhD, LCSW - buttell@tulane.edu
Manager of DSW Program
Lisa Hawkins - lhawkin1@tulane.edu
Assistant Director of DSW Program
Ngawang Legshe - nlegshe@tulane.edu
Director of DRLA Program
Regardt “Reggie” Ferreira - rferrei@tulane.edu
DRLA Administrative Program Coordinator
Anne Morris - amorris13@tulane.edu
MSW Senior Academic Advisor
Lane Luneau - bluneau@tulane.edu
Manger of DSW Program
Lisa Hawkins - lhawkin1@tulane.edu
DRLA Administrative Program Coordinator
Anne Morris - amorris13@tulane.edu
- For TSSW, visit the TSSW SGA page or email tsswsga@tulane.edu.
- For Graduate and Professional Student Association (GAPSA), visit the GAPSA website or email gapsa@tulane.edu.
APA Style consists of rules or guidelines that a publisher observes to ensure clear, consistent and uniform presentation of written material. Your Academic Advisor can also connect you with a service to review and provide guidance on your writing.
You can access the library’s APA Citation Guide here or take the APA course in Canvas.
If you were unable to find out who to contact within this list or on the Tulane University Resources page, please email tsswnews@tulane.edu to have your inquiry directed.